Well it's been a long time, a lot longer than it seems as a matter of fact, but I am still alive in case anyone was wondering(unlikely). I guess that's what happens when you do mostly the same stuff day in and out, time sort of ceases to have much meaning, one year, four years, all pretty much the same. After having not written for such a long time, I practically feel like I have forgotten how to do it at all. Therefore, be advised that my posts will probably have about ten times more grammar mistakes than previously, which is saying a lot already. That said, one of the reasons I probably have not written more posts is that writing is probably my least favourite form of communication and it can be torture to write even a few paragraphs at time, probably one of the reasons I don't go for much of the social media thing, which seems to revolve around people shooting hundreds of short messages back and forth at one another. In the past I had thought about making YouTube videos as I tend to be a lot better at talking as opposed to writing, and while I may consider that in the future, it seems like a missed the boat on that by about a decade, YouTube is so 2008 or something like that. Twitter, Instagram, or whatever the fuck social media thingy is out there now, that's where all the action is apparently. As I mentioned before, this post and the following things may seem even more unpolished and rough than in the past, but I'd rather have it that way and actually be able to write something down than worrying about every sentence to the point that it takes me half a day to write a paragraph. Think of this blog and the posts on it as akin to a continuous line drawing but with words instead of lines.