Sunday, June 17, 2012


OK, now that I've got your attention, it's time to get down to business. This blog post is mostly going to be about what I will be up to on this blog in the coming months. First of all, it has been a long time since I've been on this blog,  and for that matter, looked at any of this google account including the email (that's directed to you MRDA if you are reading this). Mainly the reason I have not been on this blog is because of work, which because of its nature makes it harder to do what is already extremely difficult for me to do in the first place, which would be writing in this case. In some cases, it took me over a few hours to finish a blog post that was merely a few paragraphs. As a little aside here, I can't stand those right wing libertarians and objectivists (not all of them do this) who worship work and extol it's praises all day along. Obviously, some work can be very rewarding, but I think it's fair to say that a lot of it is just mindless bullshit. It's also a little odd that some of these types will eagerly point out how work is a form of social control to keep people in line (making the assumption that people need to be kept in line) while at the same time rejecting the authoritarian state to keep people in line. 

 Anyways, getting back to my point, the reason I am returning to this work now is that I think it serves a purpose for me, which is to help me be less self-conscious an d to practice writing. Now, in the past I had written some private journal type entries, but I think a blog online publicly visible is a better tool for overcoming one's anxieties in this area because it is public and there exists the possibility of being criticized, made fun of, etc. Now, of course you can block everyone from doing this on your own site, but I am not going to do this. If someone wants to comment here and be an idiot, I'm going to let em. My reason is that I think it's important to not be overtaken by others assessments and to build up my own confidence by facing the possibility of being criticized, mocked, etc. In some respects I think this is odd for me to have to do this because it seems to me (and I could be wrong here) that in many respects, I am less prone to groupthink than others who I have encountered throughout my life (one of the reasons I never understood the whole peer pressure motivation for having sex, doing drugs in my teens) but it seems that here I have an issue with being self-conscious.

Anyhow, I think that what I am going to try to do here from now on is concentrate on getting as much output as possible without worrying about the technical aspects or how it sounds etc. Just a fair warning, from now on there could be more grammar errors and even possibly spelling errors (I will still use basic spellcheck though) and some of what I write might be incoherent and not make sense at all though that might have always been the case. I think I would liken my new method for writing posts to the kind of drawing  (don't recall if there's a name for it) where you draw something on paper without removing the pen  or whatever from the paper. As this blog is for my benefit primarily, I think that this type of writing would be the one best suited to my needs at the moment. However, I am not opposed to feedback of any kind, especially negative feedback for that matter. 

Now with that out of the way, I want to give a little info on some of the upcoming posts that I am going to be hopefully getting around to. In the next little while I am planning to finish and revise some posts I had started that were responses to articles from awhile back, like last year awhile back. Then I plan to get in to some subjects that I had been planning to blog on for some time and as well perhaps blogging on some recent news stories if I come across any that peek my interest. As I'm relearning how to use this blogger software to some extent, it may be that this process is somewhat uneven so things might be slower than hoped for. Ideally though, I would like to get in 1-2 blog posts per weeks, maybe 3 if were talking short length posts here. 

Well that's all for now so stay tuned if interested. 

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