Sunday, July 03, 2011

Blogs and Attention Seeking

Well, it looks as if my last post did not garner the negative attention that I hoped it would. perhaps if I had linked that post below the comments of another blog post dealing with the same issues, I would have been able to attract the hate comments that I was sort of hoping for.

Anyhow, that lead me to thinking about the pros and cons of having one's blog be widely read vs. having very little readership. Having looked at the counter below my article, it's clear that I have not been the only person on my blog and I also have a few comments as well.

Now it's certainly true that for many people, things like blogs, youtube channels, and other assorted things are ways for people to satisfy the human drive for ego gratification (I think that's what I meant to say) which I don't think there's anything wrong with doing. As for myself, I have until recently been a passive observer on the Internet, never actually participating until less than a year ago. The reason I started blogging was that someone in comments section recommended that to me, I had never really given it much thought before. For one thing, I have always been a private person (the reason for my reluctance in online participation period) and my written communication is drastically inferior to my verbal communication, nevertheless, having gotten into blogging, I have come to rather enjoy it, messing around with the design and linking to things, it's all pretty fun. I also feel that as my writing is something that I want to improve upon, it makes sense to practice it and what better way of practicing it than by throwing out random piles of words for all the world to see. So I guess that this blog is as much for my benefit, regardless of how many people read it, as it is for any other purpose. Now as my main problem with writing is the ability to get stuff out on paper (or computer screen) in the first place, I figure that the way to improve my skills as to get as much material out there as I can. Thus, from now on when I write posts, my main focus will be on churning out material, and I won't be as picky about grammar and other stuff as I have been in the past, after all, this is not a school paper. I still will correct spelling mistakes and obvious errors, but other than that, so please no comments about subject-verb agreement or any other crap like that.

To return to what I was talking about at the beginning, I think there may very well be advantages in having a relatively unknown blog. The first advantage I can think of is that you can say more controversial things without having to deal with a barrage of angry comments or complaints from a host of whiners who troll the Internet. I wonder if I get even get away with some illicit stuff for awhile, maybe I should devote whole posts to slandering and/or libeling people and see if someone ever picks up on it. As an aside, I oppose such laws and would not take any action against someone who did that to me so if you ever feel the need to make up crazy stuff about someone, I am fair game. I also wonder how along it would take for a blog like mine cloaked in obscurity to be reported by some nanny if I were to post a bunch of porn images on it, not that I would do that. I've also thought about the possibility of posting stupid and absurd stuff for my own amusement, just to liven up the blog a bit. Anyhow, that's all I can think at the moment so I guess I'm signing off here. The font used here is Helvetica, by the way. 

1 comment:

  1. "Well, it looks as if my last post did not garner the negative attention that I hoped it would. perhaps if I had linked that post below the comments of another blog post dealing with the same issues, I would have been able to attract the hate comments that I was sort of hoping for."

    It's always quiet for the first few months; feedback usually picks up after that.

    Incidentally, your previous post got me thinking about Camus unwittingly foreseeing this culture of thoughtcrime and contrition with L'Etranger. I might make a post of that, but it's an embryonic thought, right now.

    "I also feel that as my writing is something that I want to improve upon, it makes sense to practice it and what better way of practicing it than by throwing out random piles of words for all the world to see. So I guess that this blog is as much for my benefit, regardless of how many people read it, as it is for any other purpose."

    That's pretty much my outlook, too.
