Thursday, July 07, 2011

On The Casey Anthony Verdict: My Brief Thoughts

Well, I have returned again to another round of my blog. The next blog post I had planned was to be somewhat of a semi follow-up to the riot post, but because this story came out and I figure I will do current news from time to time, I figure that I will comment briefly on this story.

As most of you may know, Casey Anthony, the Florida woman accused of killing her child, Caylee, was found not guilty last Tuesday of that charge. I'm not going to get into the details of it, I think most people reading here are probably aware, but here is  a link to a CNN story and video about the verdict.

Now predictably, there have been strong reactions to this story, with many members of the public expressing outrage. In the media, one of the harshest critics of this verdict has been TV show host and former prosecutor, Nancy Grace, who, in my opinion, would be top runner for the award of world’s biggest cunt. Here is a little interview  with Ms. Grace about the verdict. Incidentally, if you want more stories and videos about this, go to

Anyways, the point of me bringing this up is to comment on a few things here that came to the mind after the announcement.  

The first thing to point out is that from what I have been exposed to from this case, I happen to think that most likely, Casey Anthony either killed or was directly involved with the killing of her daughter. Now I have not followed this trial as much as many other people have nor am I a juror so when I say that, I am not coming from the position of someone who has all the facts in front of him. Also, even then, my belief is exactly that, a belief, it is not infallible and is to some extent based on my gut instincts. Now the reason that's important to bring up is because the purpose of a jury, as I understand it, in a trial is not to vote on what they think might have happened, but rather to decide whether the state has proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt. That's an important distinction by the way, and so it should be, especially when the outcome will determine (as in this case) whether someone executed. Unlike these pundits, I'm not going to try to reach into the minds of these jurors because I don't know what they were thinking nor would I try to venture guess as to their reasoning for reaching this verdict. 

The other point here is the way in which children are put on a pedestal far beyond anything approaching rationality. In many people's eyes children can do no wrong and any currently toward them is the utmost horrible evil that can be done. The ironic thing here, as I pointed out in my previous article on the mother convicted of a felony for spanking, is that many children are also seen by many conservative (and older types) as being little hellions in need of instruction with that said instruction being a hard smack on the ass or in the  mouth. As many of those commenting below the news story that I linked to in that post opined, the reason children are so horrible. Violent and unruly today is they have not been disciplined enough. The question I would ask is that if children are monsters by birth, why it is so unthinkable and terrible when something horrible happens to them.

That leads into my other point, which is the typical Conservative view of people as violent predators and of life as a brutal battle for control and domination without any justice. The same idiot masses who are so "enraged" at this all believe that they would destroy one another without being restrained by the cops, then again would do you except from the baboons that compromise much of society. In such a view, the only thing that can be done is to preserve order at all costs and that is the reason that they will dismiss concerns by "wimpy liberals" about people's rights being violated as nothing but whining. After all, what does it matter if police raid the wrong house and kill people inside, or if people tortured in secret unknown detention facilities, or have people get the shit kicked out of them by the local trooper? What does any of that matter as long as people are kept in line and order is maintained? Well let me use a sort of reverse reasoning here and point out that from my perspective, it really does not matter if Casey is freed from custody today or not because she poses absolutely no danger to me, even if she killed Caylee in the most gruesome way possible. The same would be true for all these other mothers who murder their babies; they really don't pose a danger to me. Yes, I'd rather have Casey Anthony walk behind me on a dark street at night than almost any group of young males that I am unfamiliar with. Indeed, even if every female killer was never sent to prison, but instead all males between the ages of 12 and say 40 were incarcerated, there would be a lot less violence than there is now. Let me make it clear that I am not endorsing such a proposition, I am simply showing the logical implications of the views of many law n order" types. 

Well that’s about all I want to say on this subject and now I figure I will get back to writing about things I’m a little more interested in.


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